Showing posts with label My Community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Community. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Grow- PKS Photo Inspiration

Peachy Keen Stamps and SVG Cutting Files Blog Hop: HERE

Happy Friday! Time for another Challenge at the Peachy Keen Blog.  This week is a photo inspiration challenge. Create a project using the photo as inspiration and let us in on your creative process. Your project must be new and linked up by 5/22 11:59 EST.
The photo reminded me of gardening. My little niece will be visiting soon so I thought this little garden kit would be fun for her to play with in my backyard. I found these items at the Target dollar bins.  My daughter has a tomato garden growing so I think the cousins will have some fun!

Stamps from Peachy Keen Stamps-
Face stamp: PK-450 Wide Eyed Kids Face Assortment
Clouds: PK-107 Cloudy Day
Cricut cuts-
Girl and flowers- Baby Steps
Grow- Kate's ABC
Fence- My Community

I hope you have time to join us this week! Have a great day!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It is Me

A scrapbook page of me for the B.A.B.Y. (Brads, Aqua, Butterfly, and You) Cricut Circle Weekly Challenge.   I cut puzzle pieces with My Community and welded icons on the puzzle pieces to tell a little about me.  My husband took this picture on the Mark Twain paddle boat at Disneyland. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Backpack Mini Album x 3

These cute backpack mini albums are made from lunch bags, chipboard, paper, cricut machine cuts, and HOT GLUE BABY.  The design is from Kathy at   Kathy is my hot glue guru.  Someday I will not burn myself with the darn hot glue.   I chopped the spine off of Kathy's pattern  because I could not get the pages to lay flat when they were open.   The lunch boxes were made with each girl in mind.  Peace, Love, and Music cut is from Rock Princess and is on a purple lunch box.  Another lunch box has Sponge Bob on the front..  There is a pink lunch box that is not photographed that has a pink butterfly for a gal who loves pink.

pocket has locker tags that fold open and a "school id"

The pencil is a flap and connects to a mat that slides into the lunch bag pockets.  The bus and sandwich are made the same way

Peanut butter and grape (stickle) jelly added to sandwich.  A cow stamp is on the milk carton

this shows that base of the book after it's spine removal, ouch!